Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Pressing Get Up

warm up:
28kg Swings  10 sw/:15 rest x5

week 3 day 2
The Pressing Get Up

If there is any sort of back off workout throughout these 4 weeks, then this is it...

What to do:
Simply practice pressing at each stage of the TGU. Switch sides each set and rest as much as you need between sets
gymboss set for 15 minutes

** used 10kg - good for the first time doing this and I wanted to take no breaks
** next time will use the 12kg and take breaks
** 7r/7l no rest between sets, finished up the last tgu left side to even things out (was 1/2 way thru when the gymboss beeped)
** my new favorite way to do the TGU!! :)

cash out:
Yoga: Quick Fix