Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Eoin Finn
July 5th Live Yoga class podcast
1 hour and 20 min yoga routine
** new favorite yoga podcast!!
** no pigeon pose, but sub that during ab work

wish I had the time to do this more often!


Gayle said...

Hi Nadine! I've only done this practice a few times, but it is a goodie. How are you liking the Prometheus Protocol?


Nadine said...

Hi Gayle!
I am really enjoying it! I like the gains I've made from just once a week. it hits all the exercises I miss the rest of the week and it fits into my 30 time window :) I considered doing it 2x a week as rx'd, but I don't want to give up my swing and snatch day. This week is actually my 8th week - I started with dbl 10kgs for the first 4 weeks for the c&p. I do a small tweak every 4 weeks, next week I am going with dbl 8kgs for the squats. eventually i would like to use the dbl 14s for the c&p, but i know i can't do 10x5 so i will have to adjust and build.

Okay, probably too much info, but you know how I can go on and on.... ;)